Wesley joined us for the entire three-year cycle in upper Elementary or what we call EII, a classroom for students ages 9 to 12. Wes immediately impressed us with his authenticity and big heart which could often be found right out on his sleeve. In his graduation speech I am most struck by how he underscores kindness in so many of his experiences. Thanks, Wesley, for reminding us about what is truly important. ~ Suzanne Lawson, Assistant Head of School
It’s been three years since I first came to Bridgeview Montessori. I was scared to move to a new school. My first impression was that the school was going to be tougher compared to the Weetumuw School I had attended that was for Wampanoag people only. After spending almost 5 years at the Weetumuw School, I felt really sad on the day of graduation. I didn’t want to leave my school. I only changed schools one time before I went to Bridgeview, and that was a long time ago, and it was tough, so I was not prepared. Bridgeview was bigger than the school I went to before, so at first, I didn’t know how to get around well. But over the years it has gotten easier, and I am not so scared about going to new schools.
My first memory at Bridgeview was feeling nervous because, as I said before, I did not want to go to a new school. However, I did start enjoying many new things at school. My first field trip at Bridgeview was visiting Otis Air Base which was amazing. I really liked all of the incredible, different types of planes and boats. I also really liked when my friend Elijah and I went on top of the boat. The person that was giving us the presentation on the boat went over to the engines and said, “These bad boys have 250 horsepower vroom vroom.” Elijah and I tried not to crack up laughing. Then when we got off we died of laughter and tried to tell everyone who asked what happened, but it was just too funny. We couldn't even speak. Every Field Day at the end of the year is a blast because I get to run around and basically have Fitness class all day. Fitness is my favorite Special, and I can’t wait until next year to play soccer and basketball at Falmouth Academy.
When I came to Bridgeview everyone was so kind. I met Diego on the first day, and we have remained friends ever since. That was the same for a lot of my other friends. I met Lochlan at the Watermelon Welcome on the first day when we were asked to arrange ourselves by height without talking. We were around the same height so Lochlan and I were forced to stand next to each other. From then on the two of us have been friends. Our friendship will continue because we are both going to the same school next year.
Thank you to my friend Teddy for always making me laugh and pushing me to do better in soccer, and just really to do the right thing. When one of us was sad or mad, you would be the first person to come over and check on us.
Thank you Diego also for pushing me to do better in soccer as well. You were so funny and you were one of the most well organized competitors in soccer along with all the other sports you play.
Thank you Lochlan for playing soccer with all of the boys and also for creating the Bridgeview Bull sharks. Without you the Bull Sharks would not be a thing. Thank you too for being the first person I would go to for help with a math problem if a teacher was in a lesson with someone else.
Wesley and his dad share their traditions with us.
Thank you Kathleen [an Elementary II teacher] for always making me laugh and teaching me math problems I didn’t even know existed. Thank you too for helping me with the autobiography.
Thank you Jolie [another EII teacher] for helping with the Senior Project; it was really fun learning more about a sport I already knew something about.
Thank you Alison [our learning specialist] for helping me with anything I needed whether it was the Senior Project or my Autobiography. You also helped in Traits and Grit class as well as with my spelling.
Thank you Cathy [teacher assistant] for helping me with math when I was stuck on a problem. You were always there right away.
Over the three years that I have been at Bridgeview Montessori, I have learned things in math and writing and history that will help me at my next school. My education here will also help me at the next couple schools I attend. Bridgeview has helped me so much, and I can't wait to learn more at Falmouth Academy. I might learn something I’ve already studied or something completely different.
In total Bridgeview Montessori has been so good to me, and I hope the other schools I attend in the future are as good as Bridgeview. I hope the teachers are as kind and nice as the ones here.