Before and After Care


After Care Phone number to be used only for After Care reasons after 3:00pm


Bridgeview Montessori School offers Before Care starting at 7:15 am and After Care until 5:30 pm and begins the first day of school. All students need to be signed up in advance to attend. Students need to bring their own snack to  eat while in After Care on days he/she attends. After Care is closed on Oct 31 and on the last day of school. 

On Children’s House half days of school, After Care is available on a first come first served basis, with priority given to that particular day’s regular attendees. Regular fees will begin to accrue starting at 1 pm for all CH attendees.

Students who are in Before Care in the morning are signed in and out by the Before Care teacher. When they are signed out they are then in the care of their classroom teachers.

Students who are in After Care in the afternoon are signed in by the After Care teacher. When parents/guardians arrive for After Care dismissal, the parent/guardian will sign out the student in the log book and promptly leave the After Care program.

A forms for Before and After Care are in the teacher’s binder and are removed monthly for invoicing.  

Before Care for all students is held in the Blue Room on the lower level of the school. When dropping off your child in the morning, please enter through the Blue Room door on the right side of the building, knock on the door to the Blue Room, and wait to be let inside. Once invited into the classroom, the teacher will sign your child in using the sheet in the Before Care binder.  

After Care for Children’s House students is held in the Rainbow Room. The teachers plan art and craft activities for their individual groups. Additionally, many games, puzzles, Legos, and materials for gross motor activity are available for students. During good weather, students spend the majority of their time outdoors on the playground. 

When picking up your Children’s House child in the afternoon, enter the playground, go down the stairs and knock on the Rainbow Room door. During good weather, children may be on the playground and can be picked up there.  

After Care for Elementary students is held in the Blue Room. When picking up your Elementary child, go down the driveway on the right side of the building, and knock on the door. During good weather, students spend time outdoors on the playground and can be picked up there.  

To ensure a smooth transition for your child(ren), the other students in the program, and the teachers, we ask that once your child is signed out to you, you depart promptly.  

Parents who need to reserve space for their child on a regular basis need to fill out a registration form.  

Parents who need to utilize Before or After Care for their child on an occasional day as a “drop-in” must contact the school to confirm space is available. Parents may contact the Administrative Coordinator by phone or email to request  Before Care or After Care use on a given day, but parents must receive confirmation that space is available in advance.

Details of fees for Before Care and After Care: 

1. The fee is based on the time a child is signed in and out each day of participation. 

2. The fee is $10 per hour ($5 per 1/2 hour). Fees are rounded up to the next half-hour.  

3. After Care closes at 5:30 pm. Parents who arrive later than 5:30 pm, when After Care officially closes, will be assessed a late fee of $10.00 for any amount of time within each fifteen minute increment (e.g. If you pick up  your child at 5:50, you will be assessed a $20 late fee based on two 15 minute increments).

4. Parents of attendees will be invoiced monthly from October through June. 

5. Payment is due in full within thirty days of receipt of invoice. Before or After Care is only available when an account is current or if a written alternative payment schedule has been entered into prior to the beginning of  the new month. We accept checks made payable to Bridgeview Montessori School or cash only.

6. Regular fees will begin to accrue starting at 1 pm on Children’s House early dismissal days for all attendees.

Thank you very much for your cooperation. If you have questions, please direct them to our the Administrative Coordinator, Amy at