Health Care Policies

(Updated, November 2021)


Administration of Medication (excluding Non-Prescription Topical Ointments/Sprays: see section below)

Children’s House (CH) Educators are required by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) to take medication administration training.

The child’s parent/guardian must fill out the Medication Consent form before medication can be administered. This form is to accompany the physician’s order and/or prescription label.

The School will not administer ANY medication (prescription and non-prescription) to a child without a written order from a physician. A prescription label may suffice but must include the criteria on the list below. For non-prescription medications, you must provide a physicians order that contains the following criteria as well:

  • Child’s Name

  • Name of Medication

  • Reason for Medication

  • Dosage

  • Dosage per day and/or hours between dosages

A physician may provide a standing order for ongoing medication containing the above criteria; this order will be valid for no more than one year from the date it was signed.

The School will keep ALL medication (prescription and non-prescription) labeled in its original container along with the physician’s order. The medication will be stored out of the reach of children and under proper conditions for sanitation, preservation, security and safety. Children who have asthma will be permitted to carry their own inhalers and use them as needed, providing the School has written authorization as described above. All unused, discontinued, or outdated medication will be returned to the parent when no longer needed. If returning the medication is not possible, the medication will be destroyed in accordance with the policies of the Department of Public Health Drug Control Program. The destruction will be recorded and kept on file at the School.

The administration of ANY medication (prescription and non-prescription) will be noted in writing and will include: name of medication, the time and date of the administration, the dosage, the name of the staff member administering the medication, and the name of the child. The completed medication record will be made part of the child’s file.

Administration of Non-Prescription Topical Ointments/Sprays

The School may accept a written parent authorization for the administering of specific non-prescription topical medications. This statement will be valid for no more than a year from the date it was signed. Topical medications such as petroleum jelly and anti-bacterial ointments which are applied to wounds, rashes, or broken skin must be stored in the original container, labeled with the child’s name, and used only for an individual child. Topical medications such as sunscreen and other ointments which are not applied to open wounds, rashes, or broken skin may be generally administered to children with written parental authorization.


Prior to a child’s admittance to the school, that child’s health records are reviewed in detail and any references to allergies are highlighted, and transferred to a master allergies list maintained in the administrative area and in each classroom. All teachers are responsible to review student emergency cards and make appropriate accommodations. When warranted, the staff will meet with the child’s parents to ensure that all aspects of the allergy are understood and provided for. 

Children with severe, life threatening food allergies may attend our school. This may lead to our decision to prohibit such foods from the whole school or from individual classrooms. We will notify families of the details via email and Parent Notice Box folder as needed.

A plan will be implemented for Epi-Pen training of CH teachers by the parent of a child who requires an Epi-Pen at School.


Students who have an asthma diagnosis should have this documented in their physical examination paperwork. Students who require use of an inhaler at school will need a Medication Consent Form on file. Please see “Administration of Mediation” for further detail.”

Child Abuse or Neglect - Please refer to the Parent Handbook.

Chronic Condition

Any child with a diagnosed chronic allergy and/or medical condition must submit a health care plan written by a physician and signed by physician and parent/guardian. Bridgeview Montessori can provide an Individual Healthcare Plan form for your physician and you to complete, sign, and submit to Bridgeview Montessori School.

Community Resources: (Explore Link)

Emergency Card/First Aid and Medical Care Consent Form

An Emergency card must be completed and returned to the school before the first day of school. This form is required by law, and the authorization portion must be complete. The first point of contact will always be the parents/guardians; however, parents/guardians must list back-up names and phone numbers of at least two people who can be contacted in case of any emergency in the event parents/guardians are not reachable. Parents must list the names of people who agree to be available to come to school in the case of an emergency.

Emergency Closings

An early closing of the School may seem prudent in case of the following emergency situations: Fire, natural disaster, loss of power, loss of heat, loss of water. The School staff will notify the parents, or emergency contact if needed, that an early dismissal is necessary.

Emergency Procedure

A list of emergency telephone numbers with instructions is posted at each telephone throughout the building and is shown below.


  • Fire Department / Police / Ambulance / Rescue: 911

  • Emergency Back-up Person: Julie Davis: 1-508-888-3567

  • Poison Control Center: 1-800-682-9211

  • Bourne Board of Health Agent (Cynthia Coffin): 1-508-759-0630

  • Department of Children & Families: 1-508-760-0200

  • Department of Early Education and Care (Michelle Ruxton): 1-508-967-3407

  • Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital: 1-508-746-2000

  • Falmouth Hospital: 1-508-548-5300

  • Cape Cod Hospital: 1-508-771-1800

  • Tobey Hospital: 1-508-295-0880

  • Health Care Consultant (Dr. Ann DeWeer Aviles, M.D.): 1-508-246-0578

    • Dr. Ann DeWeer Aviles, M.D., Cape Cod Pediatrics, 55 Rte. 130, Forestdale, MA 02644

In case of a medical emergency (child: unconscious, bleeding profusely, possible broken bone, breathing difficulty, severe allergic reaction, or any other urgent condition) call 911, NEVER TRANSPORT THE CHILD.  Stay on the line and give the following information:

  • WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY AT Bridgeview Montessori School, 885 Sandwich Road in Sagamore, 508-888-3567.

  • Give Nature of Emergency and Follow Instructions.

  • After things are stabilized, call parents or emergency contact person. A teacher or staff member will accompany child in 911 vehicle if child’s emergency contact is not available.

Location of First Aid Kits: On a shelf in the Rainbow Room, in a cabinet of the Red, Yellow, Green, Blue and Science Rooms, and in the rest room outside of the Purple Room. Each location is labeled First Aid.

Location of Health Care Policy: In each classroom emergency book, in the Administrative area emergency books, and in the EEC Book, which is located in office of the Children’s House Director.

In the case of a missing child(ren), the teacher will notify the Head of School, who will immediately issue a school-wide alert and initiate a search of the building and grounds. If the missing child is not located, the Bourne Police Department will be contacted and the parents/guardians of the missing child will be contacted.

Epi–Pen Injections

For safety purposes, students who have an epi-pen injection administered may not attend school until twenty-four hours after the initial injection, regardless of where the child was or who administered the injection. Parents need to notify the school whenever a child has been injected with an epi-pen.

Evacuation Plan: In case of need to evacuate the school property

We will follow steps below in the Fire Drill Evacuation Plan for exiting the school. The students will be transported to Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School (UCT) at 220 Sandwich Road in Bourne. We will use staff vehicles and/or other rescue vehicles. The children will never be left alone. The emergency books will be taken and all parents will be contacted by phone for child pickup at UCT. Teachers will make multiple head counts according to attendance sheets. The phone number for UCT is 508-759-7711, and we will call this number to be certain the school is open… or to get it opened for us. We will proceed to Upper Cape Tech.

Directions: From Bridgeview Montessori School: Turn right from driveway and continue along Sandwich Road to the UCT School, on the left in three miles.

  • Take along the Emergency Books.

  • Children are never to be left alone.

  • Transport children to emergency location using rescue vehicles.

  • Call parents or emergency contact person for child pickup.

Fire Drill Evacuation Plan

The licensee will hold practice evacuation drills with all groups of children and all staff once every month. The fire drills will be held at different times of the program day. The licensee will keep a log of the date, time and effectiveness of each fire drill. The teacher will take along the attendance list, kept on a hook by the classroom door, so that all of the children in attendance can be accounted for. In the case of the attendance of a child with a disability a specific plan will be formed.

  • Activate pull station by the exit door.

  • All children and staff members will leave the school by the closest door, and children and staff members will cross the school parking lot and gather at the fence near the Post Office driveway.

  • The teachers will take along the attendance lists, and take multiple head counts.

  • The Administrator on duty will take along the emergency books in the tall cabinet behind main desk.

  • Wait for the rescue vehicles.

  • Follow directions.

In case of loss of water, heat, power, or natural disaster, parents or emergency contact person will be notified by phone (and email when possible) for child pickup if necessary.

First Aid Supplies and Location of Kits

We maintain multiple first aid kits, readily accessible to staff members in each section of the school. The supplies in these kits include at least the following items: Adhesive tape, bandages, gauze pads, gauze roller bandage, disposable non-latex gloves, instant cold pack, scissors, tweezers and a thermometer. CH teachers are trained and certified in both pediatric first aid and pediatric CPR, and are thoroughly familiar with first aid materials and their use. The kits are reviewed and supplies are replenished on a regular basis.

The location of first aid kits in the classrooms varies from one to another, but can be readily located by the white and red First Aid sign posted at the location.

Hand Washing

The School will ensure that staff members and children wash their hands with liquid soap and running water using friction. Hands will be dried with individual disposable towels. Staff members and children will wash their hands at least at the following times:

  • when they arrive at school

  • when returning indoors after recess

  • before and after eating or handling food

  • after toileting

  • after coming into contact with body fluids or discharges

  • after handling school animals or their equipment

  • after cleaning

  • before and after administering medication

  • Given our current Covid-19 guidelines, hand washing will be required even more frequently.

Signs in each Children’s House classroom designate the specific sink to be used for hand washing.


The School’s Health Care Policies will be strictly enforced. Please adhere to them. It is our goal to keep children healthy while in our care.

Children may attend school with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, nasal congestion, mild cough, or sore throat as long as they are not contagious. The following is a guideline of symptoms to be used in deciding whether or not your child should be in school. Please do not send your child to school when any of these symptoms are present:

  • temperature over 100 degrees

  • vomiting

  • diarrhea

  • any discharge from the nose that is not clear

  • any discharge from the ears

  • any changes in his or her mental alertness

  • eye inflammation and/or crusting

If, while school is in session, a staff member observes any of the above symptoms, the parents or emergency contact person will be notified, and it will be requested that the student be removed from the School. While the child remains in care, the child may be isolated as best as possible, keeping the child in sight of a staff member, and, as appropriate, providing the child with food, drink, play materials, and a comfortable place to rest.

Student must be free from fever for at least 24 hours after the last dose of fever-reducing medication was administered before returning to School.

Injury Prevention Plan

On a daily basis, each teacher will monitor the environment for immediate removal or repair of any hazards which could cause injury.

All toxic substances and hazardous materials are stored in locked, yellow metal cabinets located on each floor in the School.

An injury report for any incident which requires first aid or emergency care will be completed by the teacher witnessing the injury and the report will be given to the administrator. The administrator will record the injury in the central log; talk to the parent about the incident and have the parent sign the report. A copy will be given to the child’s parent, with discussion when appropriate, and the original report will be maintained in the child’s file. A central injury log is maintained in the administrative office.

The injury report form includes the name of child, date, time and location of accident or injury, description of injury and how it occurred, name(s) of witness(es), name(s) of person(s) who administered first aid or medical care and first aid or medical care required.

During Elementary field studies, the accompanying teacher(s) will ensure that a first aid kit and the book of emergency numbers are brought along.

Management of Infectious Diseases

Parents will be notified in writing of any communicable diseases such as measles, strep throat, salmonella, chicken pox, conjunctivitis, Fifth’s disease, and head lice that have been contracted by students attending our School. Instructions for students to return to School are listed on each of the communicable disease information sheets.

Oral Health for Children’s House Students

Proper oral health begins at home, and we will be reinforcing good oral health practices with CH students each day. If your child is in care for more than 4 hours per day, or he/she will be receiving at least one meal while in care, we are required by EEC to assist your child with teeth brushing at School.

The School will provide all toothbrushes, to be changed every three months and/or as needed, and which will be stored at School in sanitary conditions. We have opted not to use toothpaste, but parents may choose to send in toothpaste for their own child. All sanitary measures will be taken in our school oral health program.



All students aged six or younger must have an annual physical examination by a li­censed physician, as required by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC), and MA Dept. of Public Health. Children’s House students must provide proof of a lead screening test. No CH student may begin the school year without proof of an up-to-date physical. Students in the Elementary program are expected to have a physical examination by a licensed physician at least every two years; a record of such physical must be supplied to the school. Immunizations in accordance with state requirements must be up-to-date for all students.

There are two situations in which children who are not appropriately immunized may be admitted to school:

1) A medical exemption is allowed if a physician submits documentation that an immunization is medically contraindicated; and 

2) A religious exemption is allowed if a parent or guardian submits a written statement that immunizations conflict with their sincere religious beliefs.

Referral Services - Please refer to the Parent Handbook.

Safety Drills

The School will hold practice safety drills with all staff members periodically. The School will keep a log of the date, time and effectiveness of each safety drill. During a safety drill, no one other than rescue professionals will be allowed to enter the building.


The teachers wash all table surfaces and other potentially unsanitary surfaces at the close of each school day, or during the day when warranted. Surfaces are washed with soap and water and disinfected using guidelines prepared by EEC.

A focus will be placed on cleaning and disinfecting common areas and areas of “heavy traffic” such as stairwells, hand rails, door knobs, and bathroom surfaces. The disinfectant solution used will be a commercially prepared disinfectant that has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). All cleaning supplies and disinfectants are stored in a secure place and out of the reach of children. All staff members are trained in infection control procedures.