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Our Community of Giving Overview

Red Room teacher Ody with one of her students.

October, 2024

Dear Bridgeview Montessori Community,

Bridgeview Montessori School has always been a community of learners and of people generous of heart and resources. This has allowed our small nonprofit school to flourish through the years. Thanks to all of you in advance as we know you will share your gifts, resources, and talents with us once again. 

Already we have had Community Clean Up Day helpers and people signing up to volunteer. We even have some beautiful mums in front of our school thanks to your efforts! Your volunteer spirit is recognized and appreciated.

Besides volunteerism, we would like to present a brief overview of the other giving opportunities that exist in our school.

Our Annual Circle of Giving is one in which we would love everyone to participate, and you will learn more about it in the weeks to come. We also have plenty of Choice Giving Opportunities which are completely voluntary. 

Annual Circle of Giving (click): Our appeal for annual monetary contributions begins later in the fall. Our goal is always 100% family, board, and faculty participation in this fund. Your Circle of Giving contributions close the gap between what we receive in tuition revenue and the actual cost of each child's education. Reaching 100% participation is as important as the dollar amount collected.


November 26 Bake Sale: Traditionally we have hosted the best bake sale ever with goodies provided by and purchased by those families and friends who want to participate. Our proceeds will benefit the Thornton Burgess Society. This event helps to further establish our relationship with our outreach partners. We are excited for this event once again this year as we want our students and families to feel this outreach partnership.

Professional Development for Our Teachers (a donation link will be available beginning in mid-November): If parents would like to give a gift to their child's teachers or classroom during the holiday season, Bridgeview Montessori has a longstanding tradition of asking that in lieu of this gift, you make a contribution to a special fund to send a teacher or teachers to either the annual American Montessori Society (AMS) conference or provide other Montessori-based professional development.

Specific Classroom and Program Requests: During the school year, parents may receive a request specific to their child's classroom or enrichment classes. For example, parents may be asked to collect egg cartons for the art studio or yogurt containers for their child's classroom. Of course, you are welcome to participate in this way. 


Community Clean-Up Day: Many hands make light work. This is the day we all work together to make our school ready for a new year. It is a great day to meet new parents and visit with returning friends. Thank you to those who participated this year! This is an annual event so it's never too late to get involved in this way. See you next year, we hope. 

Volunteerism at Bridgeview Montessori (fill out our form through your Brightwheel account): We offer volunteer opportunities and specific donation requests through a form sent to you via Brightwheel. We need and depend on our parents' and friends' help. Practically, concrete participation helps our school run smoothly. In a larger sense, individual contributions further our students' understanding of the responsibility each one of us has for the school environment and community. 

AmazonSmile (click): A simple and automatic way for Amazon shoppers to support Bridgeview Montessori School. For every purchase you, friends, and family make, Amazon will donate .5% of the purchase price to Bridgeview Montessori. Choose The Spiral School, Inc. as the charity to support.

Artsonia (click): showcases artwork from thousands of schools around the world including the inspiring artwork created by Bridgeview Montessori students. After viewing and sharing your child’s work via the Artsonia galleries that Sandy and Vanessa create, parents, family, and friends can purchase items with their children's artwork on them. A portion of all sales comes directly back to Bridgeview Montessori to benefit our students.

Scholastic Book Clubs (click): Our classrooms will be participating in this nationwide book-purchasing program. Any points our school earns from our families’ purchases are put to good use procuring books and materials for our programs. More information will be shared by classrooms and found in weekly Bridgemail.

For Small Hands (click): The For Small Hands catalog from Montessori Services was put into your parent folder this week. It is a great opportunity for you to purchase Montessori materials for your family and you will help our school earn a credit toward purchasing materials for the classrooms as well. Should you place an order of $25 or more from the catalog by Dec. 31, 2024, our school will receive a credit voucher equal to 10% of your merchandise total which we apply to future purchases of classroom materials. They have a wonderful selection of materials for children of all ages! Please use our customer number when placing your order. Thank you! # 102171.

Box Tops for Education (click): This wonderful tradition has turned into an app. If you are interested, you can learn more by clicking the link.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this list. We hope this overview helps you as you plan how to be involved in our wonderful community of learners… a community that thrives because of you!

As always, thanks for sharing your children with us.