As she explains in her graduation speech below, Sophia joined us when she was just 2 years and 9 months. She left us after a few years only to come back to join our Elementary II. Her experience gives her a unique perspective through which to talk about our community of learners. During our Elementary Graduation, Sophia was able to articulately explain what makes us special. We will miss Sophia and her mom and dad!
A piece by Sophia, First Year Elementary I
I have been going to Bridgeview Montessori School for 6 years. I started in Children’s House and went through First Year. Then I moved for three years and come back for Fifth Year. I feel that the biggest differences between Bridgeview and othereschools in the community. At Bridgeview, it feels like family. Everyone is kind and supportive of one another. I love that about this school.
The day I turned two years and nine months old, my mom dropped me off at Bridgeview slowly driving away with tears in her eyes. I walked into the school excited to learn. From that day, I knew that I would have an amazing experience at Bridgeview.
At Bridgeivew we get so many extraordinary opportunities. Whether it is being in the class play, being involved in a community art project, or going on an amazing field trip, it’s all part of what makes Bridgeview Bridgeview. My favorite field trip this year was the trip to Camp Wingate Kirkland with Camp Cody. I think it was a great bonding experience for us.
Sophia in Children’s House
This year’s class play was The Audition, and I think we each did a great job capturing our character’s 'personality even though most of us are not like the characters we played.
I would like to thank Bridgeview and all of the teachers for giving us an amazing place to learn and for teching about time manangement, organization, and so many more things. I think it is so amazing how HERE we get to work at our own pace and that we are all at different stages of learning.
I will miss this school so much and all my friends and teachers. I can’t believe that I’m already graduating ant that my time is up here.
Over the years, I have gotten to see so many positive changes at this school between students and teachers. It’s a remarkable thing. I hope we all get to see Bridgeview evolve even more in the future. Towards the end of the year we got to make a key to open something at Bridgeview in the future….our hopes and dreams. I think that we all have our own ideas of how Bridgeview is going to be different and change, but I hope it will always retain the sense of community it currently has.