Check out this image of Courtenay’s Virtual Classroom. Watch the video below for a tour and tutorial.

Check out this image of Courtenay’s Virtual Classroom. Watch the video below for a tour and tutorial.

Music, Movement and Drama

Learn more about how to support your children, our students, in their Music, Movement and Drama lessons while classes are suspended.

Letters from Courtenay are posted, newest first. Each letter is labeled and dated. Scroll though to find what you are looking for. Please send your pictures and videos to Courtenay as well as Suzanne so that she may post them in our online galleries.



June 16, 2020

Hello Bridgeview families,

Our virtual classroom is updated for our final week of school. Have a fabulous summer! Courtenay

Remember to join us via the Zoom Link sent for:

Please join us for our Elementary Spring Play  

10 Reasons Not to be in a Play   

  on Zoom this Thursday, 6/18 at 6:30pm.  

June 9, 2020

Hello Bridgeview families,

Week 11 lessons are posted to the virtual classroom. I loved seeing Brielle and Natalie's instruments made from recycling! Thanks for sending it. This week I have a special guest star...actually a sure to visit Week 11 in our classroom and meet my friends.

This week I am asking your child to either:

  • A-Share their favorite music class song AND/OR

  • B-Send me a short video of them singing it!

Elementary students if you have not done the other assignments please do so. I look forward to getting your assignments. Shout out to my super stars who submitted theirs already. Be sure to look around our classroom. New videos are posted all the time. One of my favs is on Week 11.

Elementary II and third year students will meet with me on Zoom this Wednesday, 6/10 at 1pm for drama class. We will hopefully finish recording the play! Meeting details sent via email.



June 2, 2020

Hello Bridgeview Montessori families,

Week 10 lessons are posted to the virtual classroom. I look forward to seeing what instruments you can create!

Elementary students, if you have not done the other assignments please do so. I look forward to getting your assignments. Shout out to my super stars who submitted theirs already.

Elementary II and third year students will meet with me on Zoom this Wednesday, 6/3 at 1pm for drama class. We will record the next three scenes!

Use the link sent in today’s email.

Peace and well wishes to you all, Courtenay

Hello Bridgeview families,

Join us for music with courtenay.jpg

Week 9 lessons are posted to the virtual classroom. I have also added a few extra surprises! I now have a whole digital library of music storybooks. Let me know your favorites. 

We have a guest star this week on Music with Courtenay! Your child can be a guest too if you send me their "something new" rhythm challenge. It is just a 4 beat pattern so pretty short! No worries if your child is camera shy :)

Elementary students your Week 9 lesson is a new cup rhythm challenge. If you have not done the other assignments please do those first. I look forward to getting your assignments. Shout out to my super stars who submitted theirs already.


Elementary II and Third Year students will meet with me on Zoom this Wednesday, 5/27 at 1pm for drama class. We will record the next two scenes!

Peace and well wishes to you all,Courtenay

May 19, 2020

Hello Bridgeview families,

I hope you are enjoying your virtual music classroom (see virtual tour and instructions in the video posted on May 13)! Children's House families can click on the dot (Week 8) and have your child join me for music class outside this week. The link to the live classroom can be found in the email sent to each of you today.

Elementary students have several fun surprises in the classroom and 2 short assignments. I look forward to getting their responses back. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

The video lessons for this week are also listed in my music teaching playlist on YouTube as well if that is an easier platform for you to maneuver. Please see the link for that that I send in an email today.

Also, just a reminder that Elementary II and 3rd year students will have Zoom drama class with me tomorrow (Wednesday, May 20th) at 1pm. We will be recording the first few scenes so please make sure you know your lines!

Thanks, Courtenay

May 13, 2020

Hello Bridgeview families!

Earlier today, I sent an email with links to distance learning music videos for the week of 5/11/2020. I hope that your child enjoys them! Thank you to the families who have sent me videos. I absolutely love them but most importantly it helps me see the progress that your child is making musically.

Children's House and Elementary I Music: 15 minutes of singing and dancing with Courtenay. Use link attached in the email.

Elementary I Music 

Use the link in your email.

Elementary II and third year students will meet with me on Zoom today at 1pm for drama class. Use the link sent via email this morning.

Check out Courtenay’s tour of and tutorial about her virtual classroom.

Peace and well wishes to you all, Courtenay

May 5, 2020

A message from Courtenay!

FRom Music, Movement and Drama

April 28, 2020

Hello Bridgeview families!

Below are some links to this week's music learning videos. Thank you so much to the families who have checked in with me. I miss your kids :)

To view all my teaching videos use the link provided by today’s email.

Children's House and Elementary I Music

15 minutes of singing and dancing with Courtenay. Use the link provided in your email today… but for a quick preview, check out the clip below.

Elementary enrichment supplement for week of April 27th. 

Please use the link sent in today’s email.

Elementary II and third year students should be practicing their lines for our play. Thank you to those who have sent practice videos! Keep them coming! I loved reading Livvy's reason NOT to be in a play. I would love to hear more! 

Peace and well wishes to you all,


From Music, movement and drama

April 15, 2020

Hello Bridgeview Montessori Families!

Thank you so much to the families who have checked in with me. I miss your kids :) I hope to see you all soon.

Children's House and Elementary I Music

15 minutes of singing and dancing with Courtenay. Find the link in your email.

Elementary enrichment supplement for week of April 13th. 

A continuation of our solfege learning. Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So. Can you record your own solfege pattern for me to sing back to you? Email me at this address: Check out the youtube link I sent to accompany this lesson.

Elementary II and third year students should be practicing their lines for our play. Thank you to those who have sent practice videos! Keep them coming! I loved reading Maggie's reason NOT to be in a play. I would love to hear more! And remember that I am available on Thursdays from 1pm-2pm to Zoom with you to practice your lines.

Peace and well wishes to you all,


From Music, Movement and Drama

April 8, 2020

Hello Bridgeview community!

I thought I would say hello and share a little of what I've been up to in terms of remote teaching. In the first video (link sent via email) "Get up and Move" I have included four songs that we have explored in Children's House music class and Elementary I music class at some point. These four songs are designed to get you moving! I added song titles so you can skip around more easily if you need to. At the end of the video you can join me in my kitchen to explore making music there. As with all of my videos feel free to watch and sing along from beginning to end or in small sections. Whatever works best for you and your student.

Elementary supplement for week of April 6th. Sent via email is a short beginning solfege challenge. Learn to sing and sign Do, Re, nd Mi. Can you think of a song that uses these three pitches?

Elementary II and third year students should be practicing their lines for our play. Thank you to those who have sent practice videos! Keep them coming (Include Suzanne ( if you would like her to post them on our website.) Shout out to Natalie who took the challenge and wrote her own reason NOT to be in a play. Can you think of one too? Send it to me!!

I hope everyone is staying healthy and managing the challenges of being confined to your home. I have found that music can be a great mood regulator. I encourage you all to find ways to incorporate music into your daily lives. As always feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns, or if your child would like additional enrichment. I am here for you!

Peace and well wishes to you all,


From Elementary i Music, movement and DRama

March 31

Hello Elementary I Music Families,

Yesterday I emailed a link to a YouTube music class video. This video is like a virtual music class for your child to sing and dance along to. I hope it brings a smile to your child.

Below is an optional enrichment activity to go with that music class video. The "Mystery Rhythm Pattern" is a drawing that I created for your child to view, and the form link allows your child to submit his/her answer to me. After listening and singing along to the video, your child may want to take the mystery rhythm pattern challenge by viewing my drawing and trying to figure out which song belongs to my pattern. They can then click on the form to choose their answer and submit it to me.

I am including all Elementary I students although this may not feel like "the just right challenge" for all. 

Mystery Rhythm Pattern:

Google Form-Let me know which song you guessed!

If your child is feeling particularly motivated musically, I would be more than happy to send more challenging "challenges."  I am always available via email to answer and questions or concerns. I will respond within 24 hours but generally much more quickly.

Stay Well!


From music, movement and drama

March 30, 2020

Good morning Bridgeview Children’s House and Elementary I families!

I miss seeing your children! Thank you so much for sending me videos and pictures of your child making music. It truly brightens my day. Children’s House and Elementary I families have received an email from with a special link to a music class. Feel free to watch the video from beginning to end or just one or two songs a day. Some may want to watch it more than once. Whatever works for your child! Just keep singing and dancing :)

Elementary families I will be sending out additional enrichment to go with this lesson as well. 

Stay tuned....

Peace and well wishes to you all,


cc Suzanne at if you would like your images part of our Artists at Home Gallery

From Music and Movement

March 25, 2020

Children’s House families, please check your emails for a special class just for you from Courtenay.


For our Music, Drama and Movement:

March 19, 2020

Hello Elementary I families!

I hope that this message finds you in good health. I'm attaching some links to help keep your child musical during our time apart. Our 2nd and 3rd year students have been learning the recorder. If you have a recorder at home (and noise cancelling headphones for the rest of your family) you can click on these links to practice some beginning level songs. If your child wantst to record their practice and send it to me I would love it!

Hot Cross Buns:  

Mary Had a Little Lamb:  

Fight Song:  

Ode to Joy:  

We have also been exploring some easy folk dances. Why not have your child teach you one of our dances? I'm attaching "Follow Me Down To Carlow" for your enjoyment. See if you can channel your "inner Irish dancer" in this one!

I previously sent you “Follow Me Down to Carlow” and “Old Brass Wagon” in an email.

If you would like to share videos with me just send them to this email address! I am hoping to send some videos your way very soon :) If you would like Suzanne to post your videos to our Stay Close Gallery please cc

Hope to see you all soon,


For our Music, Drama and Movement:

March 19, 2020

Greetings Elementary II and Third Year Elementary students and families,

I hope this message finds you all well. As you work on learning your lines, please see the attachment I sent via email. Why not print out an extra copy or two and have your family get in on the fun? If you would like you can send me videos of your practice! As an extra creative challenge why not write your own reason NOT to be in a play? I'd love to see what creative ideas you come up with!

I can be reached directly at

Stay well,


Please check back as we update this page.

Stay safe. Thank you.