Elementary Fitness

Learn more about how to support your children, our students, in their Fitness Class activites while classes are suspended.

Letters from Adrienne are posted, newest first. Each letter is labeled and dated. Scroll though to find what you are looking for. Please send your pictures and videos to Adrienne as well as Suzanne so that she may post them in our online galleries.

Adrienne: afontes@bridgeviewmontessori.org

Suzanne: slawson@bridgeviewmontessori.org

Week 12: Fitness Activities

June 11, 2020

Dear Parents and First Years,

The weather this last week has been perfect for Frisbee.  I hope that you have been able to get out there and have some fun. This week we will continue with flying disc activities. The catches at the end are very challenging.  I’d love to see videos of your best attempts!

Best wishes,


Flying Disc

Warm-up and Review- Practice your backhand throw and catch with a partner.  Try a Partner Step Back (Each time you make a catch, step farther away from your partner.). If you don’t have a partner, work on throwing accurately to a target.

Forehand Throw- See the great step by step directions here:  https://www.wikihow.com/Throw-a-Frisbee-Forehand

Practice your forehand throw.  Try aiming for a target.

Throw for distance: Don’t count the bounces and rolls!  How far can you throw the frisbee backhand? Forehand?   Is one more accurate than the other?

Catching-We’ve been catching with 2 hands trapping the frisbee.  Now try a 1-hand catch.  Use one hand with the palm up and thumb on top.  Trap the flying disc by bringing your fingers to your thumb as the disc hits your hand.

Under the Leg Catch-As the disc nears, lift 1 leg high enough for the disc to fly under.  Catch with 1 hand behind your leg.

Between the Legs Catch-Try this trick for catching a low-flying disc.  Spread your feet, bend your knees and catch with 1 or both hands between the legs.

Behind the Back/Head Catches-When catching a medium to high flying disc, reach behind your back/head to catch the disc with 1 hand.

Dear Second and Third Year Families,

Thank you to everyone who sent videos this week.  Some great Frisbee work and even some volleying!  I love to see all of you staying active and working on skills.We were lucky last week with weather.  It is not looking so good for the coming week so take advantage of any breaks in the weather.

We will be continuing with flying disc activities.  The catching challenges at the end are very challenging.  Good luck!  Be proud of yourself if you even come close to executing an under the leg, between the leg or behind the head catch.  I’d love to see videos!

Best wishes,


Flying Disc

Warm-up and Review-Practice your backhand throw and catch with a partner.  Try a Partner Step Back (Each time you make a catch, step farther away from your partner.).  If you  don’t have a partner, work on throwing accurately to a target.

Forehand Throw-Great step by step directions can be found here:  https://www.wikihow.com/Throw-a-Frisbee-Forehand

Practice your forehand throw.  Try aiming for a target.

Throw for distance.  Don’t count the bounces and rolls!  How far can you throw the frisbee backhand? Forehand?   Is one more accurate than the other?

Catching-We’ve been catching with 2 hands trapping the frisbee.  Now try a 1-hand catch.  Use one hand with the palm up and thumb on top.  Trap the flying disc by bringing your fingers to your thumb as the disc hits your hand.

Under the Leg Catch-As the disc nears, lift 1 leg high enough for the disc to fly under.  Catch with 1 hand behind your leg.

Between the Legs Catch-Try this trick for catching a low-flying disc.  Spread your feet, bend your knees and catch with 1 or both hands between the legs.

Behind the Back/Head Catches-When catching a medium to high flying disc, reach behind your back/head to catch the disc with 1 hand.

Dear EII,

This week we continue with the flying disc.  I was impressed by some of the videos from last week.  The weather has been fabulous for Frisbee!

Some of the catching tricks at the end of the lesson are an extra challenge.  If any of you have success, I would love to see a video.  You can add it to the Grid at https://flipgrid.com/fontes7226 or just send it to my email.

One thing that we have found with Flipgrid is that you do your video while logged into Flipgrid.  It does not seem possible to upload a video to it.

Best wishes,


Flying Disc

Warm-up and Review-Practice your backhand throw and catch with a partner.  Try a Partner Step Back (Each time you make a catch, step farther away from your partner.).  If you  don’t have a partner, work on throwing accurately to a target.

Forehand Throw-Great step by step directions can be found here:  https://www.wikihow.com/Throw-a-Frisbee-Forehand

Practice your forehand throw.  Try aiming for a target.

Throw for distance.  Don’t count the bounces and rolls!  How far can you throw the frisbee backhand? Forehand?   Is one more accurate than the other?

Catching-We’ve been catching with 2 hands trapping the frisbee.  Now try a 1-hand catch.  Use one hand with the palm up and thumb on top.  Trap the flying disc by bringing your fingers to your thumb as the disc hits your hand.

Under the Leg Catch-As the disc nears, lift 1 leg high enough for the disc to fly under.  Catch with 1 hand behind your leg.

Between the Legs Catch-Try this trick for catching a low-flying disc.  Spread your feet, bend your knees and catch with 1 or both hands between the legs.

Behind the Back/Head Catches-When catching a medium to high flying disc, reach behind your back/head to catch the disc with 1 hand.

Week 11: Fitness for all

June 4, 2020

Dear Parents and First Years,
I hope that you enjoyed trying some volleying skills. We always enjoy that unit at school, and I think it can be a great activity for rainy days at home.
We are moving on to flying disc challenges this week. The flying disc is also known by the brand name Frisbee.  I will leave some at the entryway of Bridgeview if you would like to borrow one.

Flying disc can be a challenge for first years so just adjust expectations. It is definitely lots of fun!

Best wishes,Adrienne

Flying Disc Backhand Throw-This video really explains gripping the Frisbee, body position and wrist movement: 

If you just want to see some slow motion videos of the backhand throw, try this one: 

Practice throwing.  Once you have the basics, create a target for yourself.  It could be a cone or a hoop, anything that you can try to hit with the Frisbee.  Try throwing for accuracy.

The Catch-To catch a frisbee, hold hands out in front of you.  One on top of the other with palms facing each other.  As the disc comes to your hands, clap your hands together on the Frisbee trapping it.

Continue to practice throwing and catching.

Dear Second and Third Year Families,
I hope that you enjoyed trying some volleyball skills. Melanie and Emily M. sent great videos.  Looked like they were having lots of fun while improving their skills!

We are moving on to flying disc challenges this week.  The flying disc is also known by the brand name Frisbee.  I will leave some at the entryway of Bridgeview if you would like to borrow one.

Best wishes, Adrienne

Flying Disc
Backhand Throw-This video really explains gripping the Frisbee, body position and wrist movement; see above.

If you just want to see some slow motion videos of the backhand throw, see the second one above.

Practice throwing.  Once you have the basics, create a target for yourself.  It could be a cone or a hoop, anything that you can try to hit with the Frisbee.  Try throwing for accuracy.

The Catch-To catch a frisbee, hold hands out in front of you.  One on top of the other with palms facing each other.  As the disc comes to your hands, clap your hands together on the Frisbee trapping it.
Continue to practice throwing and catching.

Dear EII,
I hope that you enjoyed trying some volleyball skills.  Maggie put a nice video of bumping on Flipgrid.  I’ve left the grid up so that you can access the videos and load your own if you have not already done so.  When you do a video, you do not have to use all of the time that is given.  Just press stop when you are done.  Remember that your password is your first name plus bridge.  The flipgrid address has been sent to you via email.

We are moving on to flying disc challenges this week.  Please see the challenges above.

Best wishes, Adrienne

Week 10: Fitness for All

May 28, 2020

Dear Parents and First Years,
This week I have attached the station cards for Volleying, Striking and Dribbling.  Four of them work on basketball skills which would be a good review if you would like to use them.  There are 21 cards in all which might be more than a first year can do in one day.  It might work better to have them choose 4 or 5 cards per day to work on.  These would make excellent breaks from schoolwork!

Click on the picture below to link to all the cards.

Click to access the cards.

Click to access the cards.

Best wishes, Adrienne

Dear Second and Third Year Families,
Thank you to all of you who have been sharing with me all of the ways that you are staying active.  I love opening my email to find all of the smiling faces that I miss so much.  This week many of you have been playing outside and a few of you have been swimming!

As for Fitness activities, we will be volleying again.  There are some activities that use paddles which I have left at the entryway of Bridgeview. If you have a tennis racquet, badminton racquet or ping pong paddle, those could also be used for these activities.

Best wishes,Adrienne


Warm-up by volleying your balloon to your choice of song. Try to volley your balloon all around your house without letting it hit the ground.Paddles-First, get the correct hand position on your paddle.  Do this by shaking hands with the handle.  

Balance Challenges- Can you….

  • Balance your balloon on top of your paddle? 

  • How long?

  • Walk slowly while balancing your balloon?  

  • Move at a low level? High level?

Striking- Can you…

  • Gently tap your balloon with the paddle so it goes just over your head?

  • Try striking the balloon with the paddle and then catching it.

  • Strike 2 times and then catch?

  • See how many times you can strike in a row?

  • Strike then balance on your paddle?

  • Strike backhand?

  • Strike so your balloon goes straight forward?

  • To the left? To the right?

Striking with a Partner- For those of you with someone to work with, try striking back and forth to each other.

Dear EII,

Well, I admit to being disappointed that none of you did last week’s assignment on Flipgrid.  After talking with all of you at your morning meeting, I was under the impression that this was something you would like to try.  It seems like a wonderful way for us to share our activities with one another but only if you post to it.  I have heard from some of you about passwords but nothing else.  Please let me know if you are having any other problems accessing the grid.

I have left the same assignment on Flipgrid for this week (along with new volleyball work below).  I hope to see a post from each of you before next Thursday. I would love to get the basics down so that we can move to more exciting things in the short time we have left in the school year.

This week's volleyball activities involve hitting your ball against a wall. Please check with your parents before using a wall to make sure it is okay with them. If you do not have access to a wall, just bump, set and serve into the air.

Optimistically yours,


Review Bumping

  • Toss, Bump, Catch-Stand 2-3 paces from a wall.  Toss the ball to yourself, bump it to the wall and catch the rebound.

  • Step Back-If you make 2 catches in a row, take a step back and try again.  How far away can you successfully toss, bump and catch?

  • Toss, Bump, Bump-Instead of catching the ball, try to bump it back to the wall.  Can you bump 3x in a row?

Review Setting

  • Toss, Set, Catch-Stand 2-3 paces from a wall.  Toss the ball to yourself, set it to the wall and catch the rebound.

  • Step Back-If you make 2 catches in a row, take a step back and try again.  How far away can you successfully toss, set and catch?

  • Toss, Set, Set-Instead of catching the ball, try to set it back to the wall.  Can you set 3x in a row?

Underhand Serve

Watch video then practice serving. Try serving to the wall and bump back.

Week 9: Fitness for All

May 21, 2020

(scroll down to see the lessons for your class)

Dear Parents and First Years,
We have a great stretch of nice weather this week. Hopefully, everyone is able to get outside and move a little. I know that many of you have done lots of outside activity even when the weather hasn’t been so great. Thank you all for the videos not just of you children doing the activities that I send but of biking, hiking and playing. I love seeing them!

This week we have more volleying with balloons in the plans.  There are some activities that use paddles which I have left at the entryway of Bridgeview. If you have a tennis racquet, badminton racquet or ping pong paddle, those could also be used for these activities.

See the videos about the use of paddles and striking.

Enjoy! Adrienne


Warm-up by volleying your balloon to your choice of song. Try to volley your balloon all around your house without letting it hit the ground.
Paddles-First, get the correct hand position on your paddle.  Do this by shaking hands with the handle.  
Balance Challenges-Can you….

  • Balance your balloon on top of your paddle? 

  • How long?

  • Walk slowly while balancing your balloon?  

  • Move at a low level? High level?

Striking- Can you…

  • Gently tap your balloon with the paddle so it goes just over your head?

  • Try striking the balloon with the paddle and then catching it.

  • Strike 2 times and then catch?

  • See how many times you can strike in a row?

  • Strike then balance on your paddle?

  • Strike backhand?

  • Strike so your balloon goes straight forward?

  • To the left? To the right?

Striking with a Partner- For those of you with someone to work with, try striking back and forth to each other.

Dear Second and Third Year Families,
We are in the middle of a great stretch of good outdoor weather. I hope you are all enjoying it! We are continuing with volleying balloons. Just one video this week: 
Have a great weekend,


Warm-up by volleying your balloon to your choice of song.  Try to move in a zigzag while you volley.  Try to skip, hop, jump, or gallop without letting the balloon hit the floor.
Striking Challenges: Can you…

  • Strike the balloon from a low level? 

  • Medium level? 

  • High level?

  • Strike the balloon from crab position?

  • Strike the balloon from hand to hand?

  • Toss your balloon in the air and strike it with 1 hand? 

  • The other hand?

  • Jump in the air and strike the balloon with a body part other than your hand?

  • Make your balloon go under a body part?

Striking With a Partner: Strike the balloon back and forth to your partner. One partner strikes, the other catches. When you are ready for more of a challenge, try stepping farther apart each time you each make a catch.Instead of catching the balloon, both partners strike the balloon back and forth.Either establish an imaginary line on the floor, use a jump rope for a line or tape a line on the floor (with parent permission).  Each partner stays on one side of the line.  Volley back and forth.
Group Keep It Up: 3 or more people see how many times they can volley 1 balloon without letting it touch the ground.  The same player may not strike the balloon twice in a row.  Set a group goal. For more of a challenge, try 2 or even 3 balloons.

Dear EII,

Well, after a little snafu and some discussion, we are ready to give Flipgrid a try.  Flipgrid is a video discussion platform that I think will be a great way of sharing things that we are doing for Fitness while at home.  

Here is a brief video that explains the basics: https://blog.flipgrid.com/gettingstarted
Use this code to find this week’s Flipgrid assignment:  https://flipgrid.com/fontes7226
You will be able to sign in with the information I sent in an email.

This week’s grid is simple to give us a chance to learn how to use the platform. I’m hoping that all of you will join me on the journey of understanding ways we can use Flipgrid for Fitness.  Please let me know any struggles that you encounter and any suggestions for using this platform.

In our Fitness activities this week, we will be starting to use balls to volley.  I like a lighter ball the same size or slightly bigger than an actual volleyball.  I have left some of my favorite balls for these activities at the entryway of Bridgeview.  Beach balls are also great for these activities.
Have a great weekend!


Bumping (Forearm Pass):This website gives an excellent verbal and video explanation of bumping:  https://www.wikihow.com/Bump-a-Volleyball

Try gently tossing your ball into the air (not high, just above your head) and see if you can catch it on your platform (area between wrists and elbows).Next, try tossing but instead of catching the ball, bump it into the air and catch it.Try to toss and bump 2x before catching.  How about 3x?How many times can you bump the ball in a row?

Setting (Overhead Pass)Here is a good demonstration of setting:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6FYi2TVm1I

Catch-Toss the ball a few feet in the air, move your feet under it, then “catch” it on the pads of your fingers just above your forehead.Toss, Set, Catch-Toss the ball up, set it straight up, catch with both hands.  Can you set 2x in a row and then catch? Try to toss and keep setting!

week 8: Fitness for all

May 15, 2020

(scroll down to see the lessons for your class)

Dear Parents and First Years,
Thank you to everyone who has sent videos/images of active children.  I can’t tell you how much I enjoy seeing them.  I miss their joyful faces and laughter.  So nice to see and hear them at play.

This week we will continue with volleying balloons.  These activities are pretty simple but fun and great for rainy days like the one forecasted for Friday.

Best wishes, Adrienne

Warm-up by volleying your balloon to your choice of song. Try to move in a zigzag while you volley.  Try to skip, hop, jump, or gallop without letting the balloon hit the floor.

Striking Challenges: Can you…Strike the balloon from a low level?  Medium level?  High level?Strike the balloon from crab position?Strike the balloon from hand to hand?Toss your balloon in the air and strike it with 1 hand?  The other hand?Jump in the air and strike the balloon with a body part other than your hand?Make your balloon go under a body part?

Striking With a Partner: Strike the balloon back and forth to your partner. One partner strikes, the other catches.When you are ready for more of a challenge, try stepping farther apart each time you each make a catch.Instead of catching the balloon, both partners strike the balloon back and forth.Either establish an imaginary line on the floor, use a jump rope for a line or tape a line on the floor (with parent permission).  Each partner stays on one side of the line.  Volley back and forth.

Group Keep It Up: 3 or more people see how many times they can volley 1 balloon without letting it touch the ground.  The same player may not strike the balloon twice in a row.  Set a group goal.For more of a challenge, try 2 or even 3 balloons.

Dear Second and Third Year Families,
I saw some great videos of rope jumping and hula hooping this week. Thank you to everyone who showed me their skills!

It can be very challenging to jump a rope that you are turning for yourself.  Don’t give up!  Try to get in a rhythm. Even though we are moving onto new skills this week, it would be great if you could continue to practice jump roping and hula hooping.  In fact, the Jog and Jump is great fun and so are Side Swings.  I’ve attached the descriptions below.

We are going to start a volleyball unit this week.  Volleyball has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it is lots of fun.  These activities are also great for indoors.  For the most part, first years will volley with balloons.  I like to use 8 inch balloons for these activities but bigger or smaller would work as well.  I have left some balloons at Bridgeview in case you cannot find any.

Best wishes, Adrienne

Volleying: Play a song and try to keep your balloon in the air while it plays, then try the challenges

Challenges- Can you keep the balloon up using...The top of your hand? The top of the other hand?Your arm? Your elbow? Your knee? Your head? Your foot? Two fingers?  Your thumb?

Striking: Striking is using a body part to send an object into the air.  You strike a ball when you kick it in soccer.  You strike with a racquet in tennis. Use your hand to strike your balloon.  Hold your balloon at shoulder height.  Let it drop and swing your other hand forward to hit the balloon and send it into the air.

Challenges-Can you…Strike your balloon straight up in the air?Strike it, then catch it?Strike it with your other hand?Strike the balloon so it goes forward? To the left?  To the right?

Extra Challenge! Try to volley two balloons at the same time. How long can you keep them both in the air?

Dear EII,

Thank you for letting me join your meeting on Monday.  It was great to see all of you “live.”  

I have been working on some of the great ideas that you gave me.  The most immediate is Flip Grid.  I’m hoping that EII can start using it soon and that it will be a good way to do a virtual field day.  Thanks, Elijah!  I will send an update as soon as I have more information.

This week we have more volleying with balloons in the plans.  There are some activities that use paddles which I have left at the entryway of Bridgeview. If you have a tennis racquet, badminton racquet or ping pong paddle, those could also be used for these activities.

See vidoes.

Best wishes,



Warm-up by volleying your balloon to your choice of song. Try to volley your balloon all around your house without letting it hit the ground.

Paddles-First, get the correct hand position on your paddle.  Do this by shaking hands with the handle.  

Balance Challenges- Can you….

  • Balance your balloon on top of your paddle?  How long?

  • Walk slowly while balancing your balloon?  

  • Move at a low level? High level?

Striking - Can you…

  • Gently tap your balloon with the paddle so it goes just over your head?

  • Try striking the balloon with the paddle and then catching it.

  • Strike 2 times and then catch?

  • See how many times you can strike in a row?

  • Strike then balance on your paddle?

  • Strike backhand?

  • Strike so your balloon goes straight forward? To the left? To the right?

Striking with a Partner- For those of you with someone to work with, try striking back and forth to each other.

May 6, 2020: Week 7 From Fitness (Scroll down to see this week’s lessons for Seconds and Thirds and also for EII)

First Years
Dear Parents and First Years,

We are going to start a volleyball unit this week. Volleyball has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it is lots of fun. These activities are also great for indoors. For the most part, first years will volley with balloons. I like to use 8 inch balloons for these activities but bigger or smaller would work as well. I have left some balloons at Bridgeview in case you cannot find any. Let us know, and we can arrange for pick up.

I am striking the balloon below:

Miss you all!

Best wishes, Adrienne

Volleying: Play a song and try to keep your balloon in the air while it plays, then try the challenges.

  • Challenges-Can you keep the balloon up using...

    • The top of your hand?

    • The top of the other hand?

    • Your arm? Your elbow?

    • Your knee?

    • Your head?

    • Your foot?

    • Two fingers? 

    • Your thumb?

Striking: Striking is using a body part to send an object into the air.  You strike a ball when you kick it in soccer.  You strike with a racquet in tennis. Use your hand to strike your balloon.  Hold your balloon at shoulder height.  Let it drop and swing your other hand forward to hit the balloon and send it into the air.

  • Challenges - Can you…Strike your balloon straight up in the air?

    • Strike it, then catch it?

    • Strike it with your other hand?

    • Strike the balloon so it goes forward?

    • To the left? 

    • To the right?

  • Extra Challenge! Try to volley two balloons at the same time. How long can you keep them both in the air?

Dear Second and Third Years,

This week we will continue with hula hooping and jumping. Our jumping is going to focus on rope jumping this week. For some of you, this will be new and challenging. Don’t give up!  Keep trying. It can take some practice to get the hang of it.

For most of this week’s jumping activities it is ideal to have 3 or more people. Two to hold the ends of the rope (turners) and one or more to do the activity (jumpers).  In class, I like to play music while students move over the rope trying to get through cleanly.  If you have less than 3 people, one end of the rope can be tied to the leg of a chair so that you only need 1 turner.

A couple of the hula hooping activities are fun but also require some help from the family.

Hope all is well!



Hooping: Continue practicing your hula hooping and trying new tricks. 

  • Thread the Needle-This one needs 3 or more people. Join hands in a circle with a hula hoop hanging from one person's arm. The person with the hoop must step through it and pass it to a neighboring player without letting go of each other’s hands. The next player then does the same thing. 

  • Hula Hoop/Beanbag Horseshoes- Partners each have 2 beanbags.  Two hoops spread apart.  Try to throw beanbags into hoops.  Points:  3=Beanbag in Hoop, 1=Closest to Hoop.  First person to 15 wins.


  • Ocean Waves-Turners: Make low waves by moving your arms up and down. Really just a flick of the wrist. Jumpers: Jump over the lowest part of the wave.

  • Snake in the Grass-Turners: Squat down, and wiggle the rope side-to-side like a snake. Jumpers: Can you leap over the snake?

  • Building a House-Turners: Hold the rope 3" above the floor. Jumpers: Face the rope, and jump back and forth over it.  Turners: Each time the Jumper makes it over and back, raise the rope a little higher. 

  • Blue Bells-Jumpers: Stand in the center of the rope facing a Turner. Turners: Move the rope back and forth like a pendulum; let it swing as high as your shoulders. Jumpers: Jump over the rope just before it touches your feet. Watch the rope! 

  • Long Rope Turning-Pick up the rope by its handles, then step apart until the rope sags in the middle and lightly touches the floor. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing your partner.  One of you is the “Lead Turner.” Lead Turner says, “Ready, Go!” and you both begin turning the rope in the same direction. Mirror your turning partner as you turn. While turning, keep your arms and elbows close to your body, waist high, elbow bent to 90. Make sure the middle of the rope touches the floor as it turns. 

    • Challenges – Can you?

      • Keep your rope turning at the same pace?

      • Say “One, two, three” each turn of the rope.

      • Turn the rope slowly?

      • Turn the rope really fast? Speed up, and when you’ve reached a speed you can control, try and keep it going.

  • Jumping a Turning Rope -Try jumping a long rope while turners turn the rope.  

    • Challenges – Can you. . .

      • Jump 3X without a miss? 4X? 5X or more?

      • Jump 2X and exit out the back door?

      • Jump 2X facing 1 Turner, then turn and jump 2X facing the other Turner?

  • Single Rope Jumping-Try holding the rope in each of your hands.  Swing the rope over your head and jump over it.  Can you keep the rope turning.

Dear Elementary II

So, I finally got dancing! My sister led us because she already knows how to do it. It was so much easier having her lead us. When doing it with her, I felt like I didn’t have to count and think about the steps as much.  I could try some (just some) of the fancier moves.  Since my sister did not want to be a part of the Bridgeview video, my daughter and I had to do the dance without her.  We definitely had some blunders, but it was fun.

Hope you had fun volleying! This week’s activities continue with balloons.  Hopefully you can get some family members involved for some of the activities.

Use the link below to access this and another video of a strike.


Best wishes,



Warm-up by volleying your balloon to your choice of song.  Try to move in a zigzag while you volley.  Try to skip, hop, jump, or gallop without letting the balloon hit the floor.

Striking Challenges: Can you…

  • Strike the balloon from a low level?  Medium level?  High level?

  • Strike the balloon from crab position?

  • Strike the balloon from hand to hand?

  • Toss your balloon in the air and strike it with 1 hand?  The other hand?

  • Jump in the air and strike the balloon with a body part other than your hand?

  • Make your balloon go under a body part?

Striking With a Partner

  • Strike the balloon back and forth to your partner. One partner strikes, the other catches.

  • When you are ready for more of a challenge, try stepping farther apart each time you each make a catch.

  • Instead of catching the balloon, both partners strike the balloon back and forth.

  • Either establish an imaginary line on the floor or tape a line on the floor (with parent permission).  Each partner stays on one side of the line.  Volley back and forth.

Group Keep It Up

  • 3 or more people see how many times they can volley 1 balloon without letting it touch the ground.  The same player may not strike the balloon twice in a row.  Set a group goal.

  • For more of a challenge, try 2 or even 3 balloons.

From Elementary Fitness

April 30, 2020

Dear Elementary II,

Hope everyone enjoyed their April vacation.  Mother Nature seems to be holding onto winter but hopefully you were able to get outdoors. Unfortunately, I did not get to do as much dancing as I had hoped. No one else at my house had a vacation week so they were all very busy with their work. No time to boogie!

If you are interested in the Feet, Fins and Flippers 5K to benefit the Marine Life Center, it has been changed to a virtual race.  More information can be found here: Feet, Fins, & Flippers 5K

We are going to start a volleyball unit this week. Volleyball has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it is lots of fun. To start, we will volley with balloons.  I like to use 8 inch balloons for these activities but bigger or smaller would work as well. I will leave some balloons at Bridgeview in case you cannot find any.

Best wishes,


Volleying: Play a song and try to keep your balloon in the air while it plays, then try the challenges

Challenges: Can you keep the balloon up using...

  • The top of your hand?

  • The top of the other hand?

  • Your arm?

  • Your elbow?

  • Your knee?

  • Your head?

  • Your foot?

  • Two fingers? 

  • Your thumb?

Striking: Striking is using a body part to send an object into the air. You strike a ball when you kick it in soccer. You strike with a racquet in tennis. Use your hand to strike your balloon.  Hold your balloon at shoulder height.  Let it drop and swing your other hand forward to hit the balloon and send it into the air.

Challenges: Can you…

  • Strike your balloon straight up in the air?

  • Strike it, then catch it?

  • Strike it with your other hand?

  • Strike the balloon so it goes forward? To the left?  To the right?

Extra Challenge! Try to volley two balloons at the same time. How long can you keep them both in the air?

Dear First Years,

Dear Parents and First Years,

Hope everyone enjoyed their April vacation.  Mother Nature seems to be holding onto winter but hopefully you were able to get outdoors.
If you are interested in the Feet, Fins and Flippers 5K to benefit the Marine Life Center, it has been changed to a virtual race.  More information can be found here:
Feet, Fins, & Flippers 5K
This will be our last week for Catching and Throwing with the focus on overhand throws for distance.  I have also included station cards for some different activities to practice the skills we have worked on.
Best wishes to all,Adrienne

Catching and Throwing:

  • Overhand Throw for Distance - Stand sideways. Point at your target with your non-throwing hand. Reach the hand with the ball behind you. Step forward with your front foot while extending your arm and releasing the ball. Throw your tossable trying to use good form.  How far can you throw it?  Aim for a target.  Can you throw accurately? If you have a hula hoop, put it on the ground and try to throw your tossable into it.  Keep moving farther away each time you get the ball in the hoop. 

  • Wall Challenge - Ask your parents if there is a wall that you can throw a ball against.  Each time you hit the wall move farther away.  Can you hit the wall and catch the ball when it comes back at you?

Catching and Throwing Station Cards:

Dear Second and Third Years,

Hope everyone enjoyed their April vacation.  Mother Nature seems to be holding onto winter but hopefully you were able to get outdoors. 
If you are interested in the Feet, Fins and Flippers 5K to benefit the Marine Life Center, it has been changed to a virtual race.  More information can be found here: Feet, Fins, & Flippers 5K
This week’s activities continue to focus on jumping and hooping.  Keep up the good work! ( I love the pictures and videos that you send!)
Best wishes, Adrienne

Week 6

Hooping: Continue practicing your hula hooping and trying new tricks. 

  • Balancing Act- Try to balance the hoop on different body parts.  For instance, can you balance it on your knee or chin?  How many different body parts can you do?  If you have a partner to work with, see if you can balance one hoop on the same body part at the same time.


  • Rope Jumping: Can you lie your jump rope on the ground and try the following challenges?

    • Walk forward along the side of your rope, to the end and back

    • Walk the rope like a tightrope

    • Gallop to the end of your rope, switch feet, and gallop back

    • Hop on 1 foot to the end of your rope, switch feet and hop back

    • Straddle and jump down the rope and back

    • Jump your rope side to side like a skier

    • Jump from side to side the length of your rope and back

    • Cross your legs like an “X” on either side of the rope, then uncross them. Do this as you jump the length of your rope and back.

  • Circle Jumping

    • Can you make a circle with your rope, then try these challenges? 

    • Jump in and out of your circle.-Jump around your circle.

    • Hop around your circle. Switch feet; go back in the other direction.

    • Hop in and out of your circle while traveling around it.

    • Jump over your circle. Jump back again.

    • Side-slide quickly around your circle.

    • Gallop the other way. 

    • Leap back and forth  across your circle.

  • Crazy 8 Challenges: Can you make the number 8 with your rope?

    • Leap gracefully from 1 circle to the other

    • Gallop slowly around your 8.

    • Make a bridge so hands are in 1 circle and your feet are in another.

    • Move slowly on all 4s around your 8.

  • Triangle Challenges: Can you make a triangle with your rope?

    • Jump up really high inside your triangle.

    • Walk on tip-toes around your triangle 3X, then change direction and heel-toe back.

    • Place a body part on each corner of your triangle and balance yourself.

  • Rope Writing- Can you use your body and your rope to make letters?

    • Try to get creative. 

    • Can you make letters standing up?

    • With a partner?

from fitness class (scroll down to see your class)

April 16, 2020

Dear Parents and First Years,

This week’s activities are once again centered on catching and throwing. Honestly, the lesson can be simplified to just self-tossing and catching. Lots of gains can be made through play.

For the Bowlers and Rollers activity you will need a number of objects to use as pins.  Empty soda bottles work well but you might need to get creative. Anything that can be knocked over by a rolling ball should work. Tossables of any sort can be used for self-tosses.  This is another great way to use the fluff balls made from socks in last week’s video.

Best wishes to all,


Catching and Throwing

  • Bowlers Rollers –Set pins up randomly in an open space.  You will need at least one person for each job.  One person is the Bowler. Bowlers try to knock over as many pins as possible before the stop signal. Move anywhere within the space and roll your ball at the pins.The other person is a Pin Guard. They try to protect the pins. Use only feet to “deflect” the rolling ball. Be careful to block it safely.  If a pin is toppled, Pin Guards reset it and continue guarding it. Use a set amount of time such as 1 minute to knock down as many as possible.

  • Self-Toss and Catch

    • Low Tosses-Low tosses go no higher than the top of your head. Catch with your palms up, thumbs out, and fingers spread. Watch the tossable fall into “soft” hands, then close your fingers around it. Challenges –Low toss side-to-side, hand-to-hand?

    • Medium Tosses-Medium tosses go as high as your hands can reach over your head. Challenges –Catch the beanbag below your waist? How low can you go? Catch above your waist? Your shoulders? Your head? How many 2-hand catches can you make before the music stops?

    • High Tosses-High tosses go about as high as a basketball rim (point and/or demonstrate). Try to throw high but still control your tossable. You may need to move your feet to make the catch. Begin with low tosses, and if you make 2 catches in a row, toss a little higher. Keep increasing the height until you are practicing high tosses. Challenges – Toss your beanbag, clap, (touch your ears, touch your knees) then catch it? How many times can you clap and still catch it? 

    • 1-Hand Catch-Try catching your tossable with 1 hand. Challenges-Low toss and catch it with the same hand? Low toss with 1 hand and catch with the other? How many times in a row? Catch 1-handed after a medium toss? Try the other hand. Hold your beanbag high, drop it, then catch it below your waist? Below your knees?

    • Partner Toss and Catch-Use choice of tossable. “Throw softly; aim for your partner’s hands. When catching, watch the ball; have your hands up and ready.”) Challenges –Toss the beanbag above your partner’s waist? Below their waist? At their knees? Chest? Toss to 1 side of your partner? The other side? Toss your beanbag high so your partner has to jump to catch it? Toss it very low by your partner’s feet? Try not to let it hit the ground! Throw the beanbag from under your leg? 

    • Partner Step Back-Move so close to your partner that when you extend your arms towards each other, you can touch fingertips. When you and your partner each make a catch, both of you take 1 step back. If there’s a drop, practice at that distance until you make 2 catches in a row, then continue.

Dear Second and Third Year Families,


I cannot tell you how much the pictures and videos that you send brighten my day. The hula hooping looks great. Keep at it!

We will continue with hula hooping and jumping. Here is the link to some videos and music:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wsnfSh8fBS9kZ6a3-CKOFTFhoxKwsuWA/view?usp=sharing
Best wishes,

Hula Hoop Practice hula hooping to one of the songs in the music folder.

  • Try rolling your hoop (see video).

  • Try Boomerang (see video).

  • Try passing and catching your hoop with a partner.

Jumping Warm-up: Try a couple of these:  Straight Jump, Star Jump, Kangaroo Jump, Rabbit Jump, Frog Jump, Jack –in-the-Box

New Jumps

  • Heel SlapTurns

  • Jump for Distance-Stretch a jump rope on the floor and practice jumping over it. Now stand at one end of your rope with your feet on each side of it. How far can you jump down the length of your rope? (Swing your arms forward and upward; think of a rocket ship and take off; lean forward on your landing.)

  • Jump the Distance of Your Height -Hold one beanbag in hand. Move your feet near one end of your rope. Lie down carefully and wherever the top of your head extends to, place the beanbag on the rope right on that spot. The distance from the end of your rope to the beanbag is your height! Stand at the end of your rope; try to jump to the beanbag and beyond.

  • Leap the Puddle -Place two ropes on the floor 1 step apart. Pretend the spacebetween the ropes is a puddle of water. Try to leap over the puddle. Remember, a leap is when you take off from 1 foot and land on the other. If you leap over your puddle 2X in a row, move your ropes farther apart and try again. 

  • Rope Writing-Can you use a rope to make shapes, letters, or numbers? Try these: Triangle – T – W – 4 – 14.

Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 2.47.37 PM.jpg

Dear Elementary II Parents and Students,

I cannot tell you how much the pictures and videos that you send brighten my day.  Please keep them coming!

This will be the last week of lessons for both Dance and Cooperatives.  For this week’s dances I am including links to how-to’s from the internet. These are just suggestions. They are popular dances so maybe someone at home knows how to do them and can teach them! My family is going to work on learning them over vacation.  We will forward along our progress.
Have a great week!


The Electric Slide: 

The Cotton-Eyed Joe: 

The Cha-Cha Slide:  


  • Partner Ball Challenges

    • Sit-Up Ball Exchange-Face partner in sit-up position, feet touching. Take turns throwing a tossable back and forth when you are both in the “up” position. How quickly can you and your partner exchange the ball 10X? Now scoot a few feet away from each other and try 10 more.

    • Head Carry-Carry ball across space with only heads

    • Knees To Stand - On your knees; facing your partner, arms straight out in front, put the ball between you and your partner’s hands. Try to move to a standing position. Can you return to starting position? No Hands?  Heads? 

    • Skip Carry - Skip across the area and carry the ball together without using hands.

    • Side Carry - Carry the ball across the area together using only the sides of your body?

    • Stick With Me- The object is to move across a set space cooperatively with a partner and without detaching. Rules:• Inside feet must be stuck together at all times. • If feet detach, you must start over. If you are successful, try to cross in a group of 4.

FRom Fitness for Elementary II

April 10, 2020

Dear EII,

I can’t believe that it has been 4 weeks since I have seen all of you. I  miss your smiles and your laughter!
We will continue with dancing and cooperatives this week. Videos and music can be found here:


Best wishes ,Adrienne

Knees Up Mother Brown-Do movements to the words of the song:

  • “There came a girl from France…” Walk around.

  • “Oh, knees up…” March with high knees.

  • “Hopping on 1 foot..” Hop on 1 foot“Hopping on the other..” Hop on the other foot

  • “Whirling..” Turn round and round. 

Be careful not to get dizzy!

The Muffin Man-See video
Conga-See video


  • Bodybuilder-Do bodybuilding poses.

  • Toe Tag-Face you partner and put your hands on each other’s shoulders. On signal, both try to tag each other’s toes with your own toes.

  • Stretch Routine-Create a 4 stretch routine.  This might include things like toe touches, yoga poses. 

Remember each exercise should work on flexibility.

Fitness for First Years

April 10, 2020

Dear First Years and Parents,
I hope that everyone was able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather earlier this week. I find myself planning all my tasks around the weather!
We are going to switch to catching and throwing activities, but it would be great to continue working on rope jumping. It can be a frustrating skill for first years. If that is the case for you, then jog and jump is the best place to start each practice.

When we do many of these activities at school, we use bean bags.  If you do not have bean bags at home, a nice soft tossable can be made with a large pair of clean socks.

Best wishes,


Catching & Throwing

  • Rolling and Catching with 2 Hands-This activity is designed to be done with a partner but could be done solo by rolling a ball against a wall.

    • Stand with your feet apart. Hold the ball with both hands in front of your body. Aim between your partner’s feet. 

    • Bend your knees, reach between your legs with the ball, then bring it forward. Release it very low (just above the ground) so it rolls but doesn’t bounce.

    • When is your turn to catch, watch the ball and move your feet until your body is in front of it. Bend your knees to get to a low-level, then catch the ball with both hands.  

    • Challenges. . .How many catches can you and your partner make in 15 seconds? Do it again; see if you can beat your score! Stand in a wider straddle. Can you score a goal by rolling the ball through your partner’s legs? How many can you score in 30 seconds? If your partner scores 3 goals in a row, bring your feet closer together.

  • Rolling with 1 Hand- Balls should be small enough to hold with 1 hand.

    • Aim between your partner’s feet. Bend your knees to get low, reach back with the ball, step with your opposite foot (R hand roll, L foot step, vice-versa), then swing your arm forward holding the ball just above the floor. Release the ball when it points to your target (between your partner’s feet). 

    • Try the challenges from rolling with 2 hands

    • Roll to Bowl

      • -Empty 2-liter soda bottles make great pins for this activity. Set up 2 or more “pins.”  Try to knock them over using a 2-hand roll then a 1-hand roll. 

      • Start standing closer to the pins and move back as you improve. How many pins can you knock over in 30 seconds? Now try it with just 1 pin. 

    • Underhand Throw-Try to throw bean bags into a hula hoop or other target. Stand far enough away for a challenge but not too far.  Reach back with your throwing arm. Step towards your target with the opposite foot. Swing your arm forward and release the beanbag when your hand points at your target.

    • Challenges. . .How many times can you throw your beanbag into your target  in 5 tries?  How far away can you stand from your target and still throw your beanbag into?

From Fitness class for Second and Third Years

April 10, 2020

Hi All,
I apologize for being a day later than usual in sending this to you.  My trusty assistants had lots of schoolwork to do and very little time to help me with videos!

I love getting videos and pictures of you guys doing activities. Natalie and Melanie both sent videos of them doing excellent work on Fitness skills.  Hope to see more! (If you send something, don’t forget to cc Suzanne so that she can post it.)

We are going to continue with hula hooping and jumping this week. The hula hooping music is the same as last week. I’ve added a couple of songs for rhythmic jumping.  I’ve also done some videos on hooping tricks that you can try. (Please forgive my awkwardness on camera!) Music and videos can be found here:

Best wishes to all of you, Adrienne

Week 3-Seconds and Thirds
Hula Hoop:

Choose one of the hula hooping songs in this week’s music and try to hula hoop throughout.  If you want to try some different skills with the hoop, work on Ring Around the Collar, Alley-oop and Hoop Jumping. Videos of these skills are available in the above link.


Warm-up: Try to make some Jumping Shapes…

  • Can you jump, make a straight shape in the air, and stick your landing?          

  • Can you jump, bring your knees up, and land under control?          

  • How many jumps do you remember from last week?

Jumping Rythmically:Try to jump in time to the beat on the following songs adding movements that fit the words as you get more comfortable.

  • Pop Goes the Weasel -Try to jump each time the song says, “Pop!” Add other moves that fit the words of the song.

  • Jumpin’ Joe

    • Counts 1-4: move counterclockwise with 2 slow jumps, then take 3 quick jumps in place

    • Counts 5-8: turn in place with 4 slow jumps

    • Counts 9-12: move counterclockwise with 2 slow slides, then stamp 3X in place

    • Counts 13-16: take 4 quick running steps to your R and jump quickly in place 3X.

From Fitness for First Years, SEconds & Thirds, and EII,

April 3, 2020

Dear First Years and Families,

Hoping all is well with everyone. This week we will continue with rope jumping.  For most of this week’s activities it is ideal to have 3 or more people.  Two to hold the ends of the rope (turners) and one or more to do the activity (jumpers).  In class, I like to play music while students move over the rope trying to get through cleanly.  If you have less than 3 people, one end of the rope can be tied to the leg of a chair so that you only need 1 turner.
Have fun!


Week 3- First Years

  • Ocean Waves-Turners: Make waves by moving your arms up and down.  Jumpers: Jump over the lowest part of the wave.

  • Snake in the Grass-Turners: Squat down, and wiggle the rope side-to-side like a snake. Jumpers: Can you leap over the snake?

  • Building a House-Turners: Hold the rope 3" above the floor. Jumpers: Face the rope, and jump back and forth over it.Turners: Each time the Jumper makes it over and back, raise the rope a little higher. 

  • Long Rope Turning-Pick up the rope by its handles, then step apart until the rope sags in the middle and lightly touches the floor. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing your partner. One of you is the “Lead Turner.” Lead Turner says, “Ready, Go!” and you both begin turning the rope in the same direction. Mirror your turning partner as you turn. While turning, keep your arms and elbows close to your body, waist high, elbow bent to 90 Make sure the middle of the rope touches the floor as it turns. 
    Challenges – Can you?Keep your rope turning at the same pace? Say “One, two, three” each turn of the rope. Turn the rope slowly? Turn the rope really fast? Speed up, and when you’ve reached a speed you can control, try and keep it going.

  • Blue Bells-Jumpers: Stand in the center of the rope facing a Turner. Turners: Move the rope back and forth like a pendulum; let it swing as high as your shoulders. Jumpers: Jump over the rope just before it touches your feet. Watch the rope! Jumping a Turning Rope -Try jumping a long rope while turners turn the rope.  Challenges – Can you. . .Jump 3X without a miss? 4X? 5X or more? Jump 2X and exit out the back door?Jump 2X facing 1 Turner, then turn and jump 2X facing the other Turner?Single Rope Jumping-Try holding the rope in each of your hands.  Swing the rope over your head and jump over it.  Can you keep the rope turning?

Dear Second and Third Year Students and Families,

I hope all is well with everyone.  This week Natalie and Vanessa sent me some videos of Natalie and her sister dancing and playing outside. It was great to see, and I would love to hear from more of you!

This is only a small clip.

This week’s activities are focused on hula hooping and jumping.  I tried to find a why to send you Dr. Hoopenstein’s video explaining how to hoop but was unable to figure it out.  I know many of you remember Dr. Hoopenstein from last year. For those of you that don’t know her, she is an excellent hooper and hilarious. I know many of you remember Dr. Hoopenstein from last year. For those of you that don’t know her, she is an excellent hooper and hilarious. Basically, her tips for hooping include making sure you won’t hit anything (important in the living room), putting one foot slightly forward, and moving your hips “frontie-backy” instead of around in a circle.

Week 3-Seconds and Thirds
Hula Hoop Choose one of the hula hooping songs in this week’s music and try to hula hoop throughout.  Don’t worry if the hoop falls. Keep trying. As Dr. Hoopenstein says, “That’s gravity! And, without it this place would be a mess!”  To Find the music click here.

Jumping Challenges- Can you? Take off from. . . Two feet and land on 2 feet? Can you do that 2X? 3-5X? Two and land on just 1? Hold your balance for a count of 3 or longer. Two and land on 1 – this time land on the other foot? Balance for 3 seconds or longer.  One and land on the same foot? That’s hopping. Can you do it 2X? 3-5X? Try again with the other foot. One and land on the other? That’s leaping. One foot and land on both feet? Change your take-off foot and try again. How high can you jump from 1 foot? One foot and make a straight shape in the air? A tucked shape? Bring your knees up to tuck? 

  • Can you try these different types of jumps?

  • Straight Jump-Take off from both feet and land with both feet. That is a Straight Jump. Practice a few times, and try to “stick” your landing. That means to land and hardly move at all. You do that by bending your knees to absorb the force and controlling your body so it is in perfect balance. You might remember we call that an “S” landing.

  • Star Jump-Jump in the air and make the shape of a star with your arms and legs. Can you do 3 Star Jumps in a row? Jack-in-the-Box-Begin in a squat, jump up, then land in a squat. How many can you do in 15 seconds?F

  • Frog Jump-Begin in a squat; reach forward and shift your weight onto your hands, then jump your feet forward and close to your hands. You’re back in the squat position again. Can you do 2 in a row? Three in a straight line? 

  • Kangaroo Jump-Using a 2-foot take-off and 2-foot landing, do slow, long jumps forward, keeping your feet together. Can you do 3-5 in a zigzag pathway? 

  • Rabbit Jumps -Quick, short jumps forward with your feet together. How many can you do in 10 seconds?

  • Jump Hurdles-Make a course in your yard or house with objects to leap over.

Dear EII Students and Families,

I hope all is well with everyone. This week Jolie and Kathleen passed along some of the things Chloe is doing to keep active while home.  She is doing a wonderful job of hitting the three components of physical fitness: flexibility, cardiovascular and muscular strength.  It was great to see, and I would love to hear from more of you!

This week I have a few more dances for you and some partner activities.  My son got involved with the dancing, and I think we are a little improved.   Music and videos of dances which can be found here by clicking here.

Week 3-EII

  • The Mexican Hat Dance

  • The Bunny Hop

  • Crabbing Around


  • Muscular Strength Activity-Create a 4 exercise routine focused on muscular strength.  This might include things like push-ups, crunches, lunges, squats.  Remember each exercise should get your muscles working.

  • Clay & Sculptor-One person is the sculptor; the other is the clay. The sculptor molds the clay into a statue.

  • Knee tag-Face your partner.  On go try to tag your partner’s knee.  Be careful not to bump heads!


March 27, 2020

Dear First Years and Families,

I have missed all of you this week! Fitness activities are not as fun without the excitement that all of you bring to our classes.

This week’s activities continue with our jumping theme. It would be great if you had a jump rope. If you would like to borrow equipment for each week's activities, I will leave items just inside the front door of Bridgeview. Sandy will be at school most weekdays from 9-3 but check with her before heading to school. I will be keeping a list at home of equipment that has been borrowed and returned so please email me each time you take or return something.

Best wishes,

Rope Jumping

– Can you lie your jump rope on the ground and try the following challenges?

– Walk forward along the side of your rope, to the end and back

– Walk the rope like a tightrope

– Gallop to the end of your rope, switch feet, and gallop back

–Hop on 1 foot to the end of your rope, switch feet and hop back

–Straddle and jump down the rope and back

–Jump your rope side to side like a skier

– Jump from side to side the length of your rope and back

– Cross your legs like an “X” on either side of the rope, then uncross them. Do this as you jump the length of your rope and back.

– Circle Jumping-Can you make a circle with your rope, then try these challenges?

– Jump in and out of your circle.

– Jump around your circle.

– Hop around your circle. Switch feet; go back in the other direction.

– Hop in and out of your circle while traveling around it.

– Jump over your circle. Jump back again.

– Side-slide quickly around your circle.

– Gallop the other way.

– Leap back and forth across your circle.

Crazy 8 Challenges – Can you make the number 8 with your rope?
– Leap gracefully from 1 circle to the other
– Gallop slowly around your 8.
– Make a bridge so hands are in 1 circle and your feet are in another.
– Move slowly on all 4s around your 8.

Triangle Challenges – Can you make a triangle with your rope?
– Jump up really high inside your triangle.

– Walk on tip-toes around your triangle 3X, then change direction and heel-toe back.

– Place a body part on each corner of your triangle and balance yourself.

Rope Writing - How many letters can you write with your rope? Can you use your body and your rope to make letters?


March 27, 2020

Dear Second and Third Year Families and Students,

I miss you all! It was good to see your smiles in the Zoom meeting yesterday.

This week’s activities will continue the dancing and cooperative themes. If you would like to borrow equipment for each week's activities, I will leave items just inside the front door of Bridgeview. Sandy will be at school most weekdays from 9-1 but check with her before heading to school. I will be keeping a list at home of equipment that has been borrowed and returned so please email me each time you take or return something.

Here is the link for this week’s music: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1r4VXdsIlEsBp20Hj9mEYLoRGahAv6-pP?usp=sharing

My husband and daughter helped with some videos of the dances. We are not drama people, and it shows in the videos! I was so nervous about being on camera that I barely cracked a smile. Dancing should be fun so I hope you are able to get the basic steps from the videos and then enjoy doing the dances! Hopefully I will get better at this! Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13Wtoq_q-oPr95TvqCyP8fOyx9j3JApil?usp=sharing

I hope to see some pictures and videos!

Best wishes,


Warmup with your favorite dance from last week.

The Muffin Man- This is usually done with a group in a large circle but I think we can tailor it to a smaller amount of people and still have fun with it.

On “Do you know the Muffin Man?” skip in a big circle
On “If you don’t know the Muffin Man” face the center of the room and side slide right
On “He’s always singing” link arms and skip in a small circle
On “Now you know the Muffin Man” stand and clap to the beat

Crabbing Around

2 crab dips
4 crab kicks


2 pushups

Superhero (4 counts)


Stick With Me- Try to move across the room or the yard cooperatively with a partner without detaching. Inside feet must be stuck together at all times. If feet detach, you must start over. When finished, your pair joins another successful pair and tries to cross in a group of 4.
Pass It Around- Try to pass an object across the playspace without using hands. How many different ways can you do it? Can you do it with different sized objects (a big ball, a beanbag)?


Dear EII Families and Students,

I miss you guys!


I hope that everyone did some hula hooping this week. I loved Sandy’s video and happy to hear that she is taking on the challenge. My best friend and my sister’s family have also been inspired to pick up hoops! My family has enjoyed a little hooping each night although it is a little trickier in the living room than I thought. I admit that on the first night I knocked over a lamp trying to do the Helicopter! Going forward I have set a goal for myself to work on Waterfall and John Travolta.

I know that some of you would like to borrow equipment for each week's activities. Equipment can be found just inside the front door of Bridgeview. Sandy will be at school most weekdays from 9-3 but check with her before heading to school. I will be keeping a list at home of equipment that has been borrowed and returned so please email me each time you take or return something.

For this week, let’s try some dancing and cooperative activities. Here is the link for this week’s music: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1r4VXdsIlEsBp20Hj9mEYLoRGahAv6-pP?usp=sharing

My husband and daughter helped with some videos of the dances. We are not drama people, and it shows in the videos! I was so nervous about being on camera that I barely smile. Dancing should be fun so I hope you are able to get the basic steps from the videos and then enjoy doing the dances! Hopefully I will get better at this! Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13Wtoq_q-oPr95TvqCyP8fOyx9j3JApil?usp=sharing

Hope to see some of your pictures and videos!

Best wishes,



  1. The Chicken Dance 

  2. The Hokey Pokey

  3. The Freeze-This can be done as a freeze dance with any song. The song that I’ve included in the music folder has the pauses included.

Work with a partner to do the following:

  1. Thumb Wrestle

  2. Create a Secret Handshake

Create a 4 exercise routine focused on aerobic activity. This might include things like running in place, jumping jacks, high knees, burpees. Remember each exercise should get your heart rate up.


March 25, 2020 (originally sent on March 19. Sorry for my delay, Suzanne)

Dear Bridgeview Community,
I hope that this finds all of you safe and healthy. I know that most of us are feeling some anxiety and unease around the current circumstances.  I would like to advocate fresh air and exercise to help us all get through these times stronger and healthier!
For all of us, parents and students alike, working from home greatly reduces the amount of movement in our day. One of the things that I am doing to keep myself motivated is training for a 5K. In Fitness classes we talk about goal setting and how it keeps us on task getting us to perform better.  I have signed up for the race below which is a fundraiser for the National Marine Life Center (Bridgeview Montessori's current outreach organization). The race is scheduled for May 16th. I understand that in light of COVID-19 it may be canceled but it can still be a motivating tool. I encourage all of you to train for the race.  If it is canceled, perhaps we can post our times in a virtual competition.

Feet, Fins, & Flippers 5K

In Fitness classes we try to do different activities that hit 3 main areas of fitness:  cardiovascular, muscular strength and flexibility. My plan is to send weekly activities that hit each of these.  I would really enjoy seeing photos/videos of everyone engaged in the activities. Students, please get your family members involved! Please cc Suzanne at slawson@bridgeviewmontessori.org if you would like to share your pictures in the Stay Close Gallery.
If anyone is in need of Fitness equipment, please let me know.  I will arrange to loan you some of Bridgeview’s equipment.
I have tried to create a file with music for the activities listed.  This is new for me, so please let me know whether or not it works!


I can’t wait to hear back from all of you and hope to see some active photos and videos. 

Look for new activities every Thursday.
Best wishes,Adrienne Fontes

adriennefontes@yahoo.com / 508-743-9711

Fitness for First Years:

First Years are working on jumping.

  1. Pop Goes the Weasel (Attached) -Try to jump each time the song says, “Pop!” Add other moves that fit the words of the song.

  2. Jumpin’ Joe (Attached)-Counts 1-4: move counterclockwise (point) with 2 slow jumps, then take 3 quick jumps in place. Counts 5-8: turn in place with 4 slow jumps. Counts 9-12: move counterclockwise (point) with 2 slow slides, then stamp 3X in place. Counts 13-16: take 4 quick running steps to your R (point and demonstrate) and jump quickly in place 3X.

  3. Swamp Jump-Challenge yourself to jump across the room or the yard only stepping on certain spots.  If you miss your spot, the alligator gets you and returns you to the beginning. Increase the challenge by increasing the distance between spots.

Fitness for Second and Third Years:

Second and Third Years have been working on dancing and cooperative activities. Dancing is a great way to get moving when stuck indoors.  The following songs can be found on Amazon Music.  

  • Freeze Dance-The Freeze is attached but this can be done with any song.

  • The Chicken Dance-We have done this in class so everyone should know the moves.

  • The Conga- Walk forward 3 steps (R, L, R), On the fourth step the left foot slides out to the side, Walk forward 3 steps (L, R, L), On the fourth step the right foot slides out to the side, Repeat

The following challenges should be done with a partner and a ball across a predetermined area either inside or outside.

  • Sit-Up Ball Exchange-Face partner in sit-up position, feet touching. Take turns throwing a tossible back and forth when you are both in the “up” position. How quickly can you and your partner exchange the ball 10X? Now scoot a few feet away from each other and try 10 more.

  • Head Carry-Carry ball across space with only heads

Fitness for Elementary II

EII would have been finishing hula hooping and Stunts and Tumbling. Here are some challenges related to these two areas:

  1.  Work on hula hoop tricks.  Hooping for 10-20 minutes at a time is a good goal. Hooper’s Delight is in the music file attached.

  2. Create a routine that includes at least 1 jump, 1 balance, 1 weight transfer


Please check back as we update this page.

Stay safe. Thank you.