Our Head of School’s first letter during the Covid-19 Essential Learning experience

March 16, 2020

Good Morning Bridgeview Families,

As most of you probably know, the Governor has ordered a three-week suspension of all schools in Massachusetts. This means there will be no school from March 16 through Monday, April 6. During this period, it is so important that students and their families stay home as much as possible. Avoid play dates, parties, sleepovers, and families/friends visiting each other's houses. These actions will help our community stay healthy and return to school as soon as possible. Meanwhile, let's start our new 'temporary' normal by creating a strong school- home connection.

Starting today your child's teacher will contact you through email. Our teacher teams have begun to plan for learning at home.  Our focus will be Reading, Writing and Math in the Elementary programs and age appropriate lessons including Practical Life in the Children's House. Lessons will be designed by teachers for each program - Children's House, Kindergarten, Elementary I and Elementary II. Teachers will also be open to family suggested projects. All teachers will let you know what their email contact time will be. This way you may ask questions and give suggestions. We would like every child to email his or her teachers once a week as a way to keep in touch. Of course, parents of younger children will have to scribe these messages. Teachers will ask families to send pictures of their child's process, work and projects.

Suzanne has created program-specific pages on our website for correspondence from teachers, assignments, pictures, and ideas for fun exploration.  

Children's House: https://www.bridgeviewmontessori.org/current-childrens-house-families   

Elementary I:  https://www.bridgeviewmontessori.org/current-elementary-i-families   

Elementary II: https://www.bridgeviewmontessori.org/current-elementary-ii-families   

Visit these pages often to keep abreast of current learning, suggested activities and social connections. Please send us pictures for how you are spending your time away from school. Our goal is to keep our learning community connected, close and inspired.  I will be at school every day from 9am to 1:00pm. I will send new information as it unfolds. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns. I am here to hear.

I wish you the best through these unusual times.

Stay healthy,


Head of School