Individual and Class Photographs with The Mirrored Image Photography


The Mirrored

Image Photography

with Katherine Jackson

Reserve your mini photo shoot for individual shots by Friday, September 20, 2024

Please note that all children will be photographed for their class portrait, and each family will receive a class portrait free of charge.

Mini Photo Sessions with The Mirrored Image Photography

Please read carefully and be in touch with questions.

Monday, September 23

Individual*, Elementary sibling shots, and class pictures will be taken. (*If your child is having a sibling shot with a Children's House sibling, those will be happening later in the week. Suzanne will confirm your sibling date.)

Tuesday, September 24

Individual* and class pictures will be taken.
(*If your child is having a sibling shot with a Children's House sibling, I will contact you to let you know what date we will take that, Tuesday 9/24 or Wednesday 9/25. If your RED ROOM child is having pictures with an Elementary sibling, Suzanne will confirm that sibling shot for Tuesday, September 24)

Wednesday, September 25

Individual* and class pictures will be taken.
(If your child is having a sibling shot with a Children's House sibling, I will contact you to let you know what date we will take that, Tuesday 9/24 or Wednesday 9/25. If your YELLOW ROOM child is having pictures with an Elementary sibling, Suzanne will confirm that sibling shot for Wednesday, September 25.)

Rain Dates for all pictures: Thursday, September 26 and Tuesday, October 1

Katherine Jackson has worked with children and families for more over 20 years, and she has been working with Bridgeview Montessori for years as well. To see her work, please visit her online galleries at: or

Please note that some of her galleries are locked so as to protect her families' privacy.

In keeping with the Montessori philosophy around independence and individuality, Katherine Jackson will be conducting our school's photos similar to a mini photo session to allow each child to show his or her personality and style! Our individual photos are NOT like standard Sears/school type pictures.

Katherine will conduct the session in an outdoor setting at the school. Each child will have about 5 minutes that will result in digital proofs for you to choose from. Because you will have a few poses to choose from, a $25.00 sitting fee is due at the time you sign your child up to be individually photographed. Reserving your sitting can be done by following the process outlined below. Students must be signed up by Friday, September 20.

Please note that the $25.00 sitting fee is non-refundable.

All students will be photographed for the class portrait. Every student in the school will receive a copy of the class portrait FREE OF CHARGE regardless of whether or not you pay the retainer to have individual shots taken.

Information from Katherine Jackson:

Digital Files
Digital files allow you to use the image(s) in many forms such as Holiday Cards, gift items, etc. You can pre-order all digital files.

The pricing for digital items:

  • pre-order all digital files $125.00 (files will be emailed)

  • post-order all digital files $135.00 (upon viewing the online proofs; files will be emailed)

  • a single digital file $25.00 per file (which can be ordered any time on the website provided)

The Mirrored Image Photography is now offering packages! Pre-order a package today and receive a 30% discount. 15% off when you choose a package post order and 20% off all pre-order prints. Either way, you still pick your pose. Get the most value for your money by pre-ordering packages today!:

  • Package 1: $52.50 plus tax pre-order or $75 post picture day order
    4 5X7 Prints
    8 Wallets

  • Package 2: $59.50 plus tax pre-order or $85 post picture day order
    4 5X7 Prints
    1 8x10

  • Package 3: $87.50 plus tax pre-order or $125 post picture day order
    2 8x10 Prints
    4 5X7 Prints
    8 Wallets
    1 Digital Download

Pricing for Portrait Prints: Individual Prints A La Carte (additional sizes available on The Mirrored Image website):

8x10- 25.00
5x7- 15.00
8 wallets- 15.00 (all the same pose)

In order to expedite scheduling students, order placement, delivery as well as saving a tree or two, we will be handling most everything online! Please contact Suzanne or Katherine if you have any questions about this procedure. Katherine can be reached via email below or at 508-244-4073. Suzanne can be reached at school, 508-888-3567 or

To reserve your child's mini photo session with Katherine Jackson:

1. Email In the contents of the email, please include:

  • Your name

  • Your child/children’s names

  • Your child/ children’s classrooms

  • Sibling photos?

  • if you are pre-ordering digital images or packages, indicate that as well

2. Upon receipt of your email, you will receive a Paypal invoice for the sitting fee amount of $25.00. Once paid, your child's space will be reserved. DUE DATE: Friday, September 20, 2024.

If you are pre-ordering digital files in advance, please follow the steps above to indicate that you would like to pre-order the digital files. You will receive one Paypal invoice for $125, which will be your total cost including sitting fee.

If you are pre-ordering a package, you will receive a Paypal invoice for the pre-order price for that package. The pre-order Package price will be your total cost and includes your sitting fee.

3. Approximately 2 weeks after your child has been photographed, you will receive a proof sheet via email to view along with a link to your child's online gallery where you can order prints any size to be shipped right to your home.

4. If you have purchased digital files, they will be emailed to you.

5. If you have purchased prints, they will be delivered to school for distribution.

This is what Katherine recommends for what to wear to a mini photo session:
* Wear solid colored clothing.
* Choose muted tones that are a bit subdued.
* Choose similar tones for your top and bottom (both dark or both light).
* Choose 1-3 colors for your sibling portrait, ones with similar tones that go nicely together.
* Consider dressing in the color white sparingly, for this color often reflects light strongly.
* Hats can also be very effective but can cast shadows.
* Choose dark socks and footwear.
* Keep jewelry simple and minimal.

We do our best to wipe faces and noses before the sessions. If you have special instructions re: glasses, jackets, etc., please send a note/email to Suzanne. A note/email is much better than giving a message to teachers at drop off, and students can sometimes forget that you have asked that they remove their jackets, sweatshirts, etc.